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New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya

Complete Guide on New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya

Check out New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) remains a key employer for teachers in Kenya, and one of the most important aspects of this profession is the salary structure.

Understanding the basic salary for new TSC teachers is crucial, especially for fresh graduates and those transitioning into the profession.

With various factors such as grade, experience, and the ongoing salary reviews by TSC, many are eager to know what starting salaries look like for newly employed teachers.

In this blog, we break down the current basic salary structure for new TSC teachers in Kenya and what it means for your teaching career. # New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya

New TSC teachers basic salary in Kenya

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya has recently updated the salary scales for teachers as part of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

This new pay deal, which was signed on August 28, 2023, and backdated to July 1, 2023, aims to improve the remuneration of teachers across the country. Here’s a detailed look at the new salary structure and what it means for teachers at different levels.

Salary Structure for TSC teachers basic salary

The new salary structure is divided into various job groups, each with its own basic salary. The highest-paid teachers, such as Chief Principals, will now earn a basic salary of Ksh 162,539 per month, while the lowest-paid teachers (Primary Teacher II) will receive Ksh 29,787 per month. 

Here’s a breakdown of the new salary scales for different job groups:

Job GroupJob TitleBasic Salary (Ksh)
D5Chief Principal162,539
D4Senior Principal146,286
D2Deputy Principal I121,132
D1Deputy Principal II109,630
C5Senior Master III99,463
C4Senior Lecturer IV89,053
C3Secondary Teacher I78,625
C2Secondary Teacher II68,491
C1Secondary Teacher III58,195
B5Primary Teacher II29,787

Allowances and Benefits

In addition to the basic salary, teachers are entitled to various allowances, including house allowances, commuting allowances, and leave allowances.

The house allowance rates are categorized into three clusters, with Cluster 1 covering Nairobi City, Cluster 2 covering cities like Mombasa, Kisumu, and Nakuru, and Cluster 3 covering other areas. The house allowance rates for Cluster 4 have been phased out and integrated into Cluster 3.

Implementation and Impact

The new salary structure is being implemented in two phases. The first phase was factored into the August 2023 payroll, with arrears backdated to July 1, 2023.

The second phase will be implemented on July 1, 2024, for teachers who are in service at that time. This incremental approach ensures that teachers receive their salary adjustments smoothly and without disruption.

The new pay deal has been welcomed by teachers’ unions, who have been advocating for better remuneration for educators. The TSC Chief Executive Officer, Nancy Macharia, noted that the new salary structure will help retain experienced teachers and attract new talent to the profession.

What is the new salary structure for TSC teachers?

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a memo detailing the full implementation of the second phase of the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Dated August 29, 2024, and signed by TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, this memo addresses regional, county, and sub-county directors, principals of diploma teacher colleges, primary teacher training colleges, and the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE).

The revised CBA is effective from July 1, 2024, and applies to all teachers in service, excluding intern teachers.

New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya
New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya

“This circular applies to all teachers in service as of July 1, 2024, excluding intern teachers. It is effective from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025,” the memo states.

The TSC noted that teachers transitioning to the new salary scales will keep their current incremental dates. For those with an increment date on July 1, 2024, the annual increment will apply to the existing salary scales before converting to the new salary points.

Under the revised CBA, Chief Principals at Grade D5 (TSC-Scale 15) will see their minimum salary rise from Ksh 131,380 to Ksh 135,436 and their maximum salary increase from Ksh 159,534 to Ksh 162,539 in the 2024/2025 financial year.

Meanwhile, Primary Teachers II at Grade B5 (TSC-Scale 5), whose basic salary increased from Ksh 21,756 to Ksh 22,793 (minimum) and from Ksh 27,195 to Ksh 28,491 (maximum) in the first phase of the FY 2023/2024, will now earn between Ksh 23,830 (minimum) and Ksh 29,787 (maximum) in the second phase of the 2024/2025 financial year.

Here is a summary of the salary adjustments:

Salary Adjustments Overview:

Job GroupJob TitlePrevious Minimum Salary (Ksh)New Minimum Salary (Ksh)Previous Maximum Salary (Ksh)New Maximum Salary (Ksh)
D5Chief Principal131,380135,436159,534162,539
B5Primary Teacher II21,75623,83027,19529,787

Additionally, the house allowance structure has been updated, consolidating the previous four clusters into three.

The highest-paid teachers in Cluster 1 (Nairobi City) will receive Ksh 50,000, those in Cluster 2 (cities like Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, and others) will get Ksh 35,000, and teachers in Cluster 3 (all other areas) will receive Ksh 25,000.

New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya
New TSC Teachers basic salary in Kenya

House Allowance Breakdown:

ClusterLocationHouse Allowance (Ksh)
Cluster 1Nairobi City50,000
Cluster 2Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, Nyeri, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, Kitale35,000
Cluster 3All other areas25,000

Despite these changes, other allowances such as hardship, commuter, annual leave, and disability guide remain unchanged. The implementation of the revised CBA aims to provide fair and competitive compensation for teachers across Kenya, thereby enhancing their welfare and motivation.

What is the new house allowance for TSC?

The new house allowance rates for TSC teachers are categorized into four clusters, each with different rates based on the location of the school. 

Here’s a breakdown of the house allowance rates for each cluster:

ClusterLocationHouse Allowance (Ksh)
Cluster 1Nairobi City21,508
Cluster 2Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri, Eldoret, Thika, Kisii, Malindi, Kitale15,000
Cluster 3Other former municipalities9,000
Cluster 4All other areas4,500

These rates represent a significant increase compared to previous years, reflecting the TSC’s commitment to improving the financial well-being of teachers.

The new structure aims to provide fair compensation based on the cost of living in different regions. Read about KNEC Exam Schedule


The new TSC salary scales represent a significant step towards improving the financial well-being of teachers in Kenya.

By providing competitive salaries and allowances, the TSC aims to enhance the quality of education and ensure that teachers are motivated and committed to their work.

This comprehensive guide should help you understand the new salary structure and its implications for teachers at different levels.

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